Happy 2015 – Disconnect Disconnect Review of 2014

Thursday, January 1st, 2015

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you so much to all who have shown and continue to show Disconnect Disconnect Records some interest, and we’re looking forward to bringing you plenty of good new music in 2015!

2014 was a fairly slow one in terms of releases for us, with buying a house and getting married meaning I had lots of other priorities last year, and the label taking a bit of a backseat for parts of the year. However, I still managed to keep the label ticking over, with 4 releases that I’m really proud of. Our first release of 2014 was Rust Belt LightsReligion & My Ex‘, and it was a brilliant one! We again teamed up with Adeline Records who we previously worked with on the Stickup KidNothing About Me‘ 7″ and released the Euro exclusive red variant of their new LP. This is a band I have loved from their first few EP’s through to their last LP ‘These Are The Good Old Days‘ on Paper and Plastick, and I was so excited to release what I believe to be their strongest album to date, and one which if there’s any justice in the music scene, should see these guys get to the very top of the fast pop punk scene.

In April, we put out the debut EP ‘Smithereens‘ by my band Bottler (available for free download here). In our first year or so we’ve been really lucky to play with some great bands from around the UK and rest of the world, including Elway (US), Wank For Peace (France), Prevenge (Canada), 4Ft Fingers, The Human Project, Harker, Hellwinners, Eat Defeat, Almeida, Going Away Party and lots more! We’re busy working on a new EP for 2015, and have plenty of shows coming up and in the works.

After a quiet summer, November really picked things up with 2 releases within weeks of each other. Firstly, the great new album ‘Bridges‘ from our favourite Austrian’s 7 Years Bad Luck. After working together on their previous record ‘Sleep Now, Pay Later‘, I fell in love with these guys simple yet super catchy brand of melodic punk / pop punk, and ‘Bridges’ is 16 more tracks of the very highest quality melodic punk for fans of bands like Alkaline Trio, The Lawrence Arms, and The Murderburgers.

Our second release of November was a big one for us, our compilation ‘United‘, highlighting some of the great independent bands we have in the UK scene. Despite being a free / donation release, ‘United’ was very important to me, bringing together like-minded bands from around all parts of the UK into one great compilation. If you havent checked it out yet, please head over to our bandcamp page and download it!

The label isnt slowing down anytime soon, with plenty of releases in the works, the first of which will be the vinyl edition of French skatepunkers Hogwash‘s ‘Rainmaker‘ LP at the end of January, with the new album ‘This Here’s The Hard Part‘ from Australian skatepunkers Local Resident Failure following in February! Keep an eye on our website, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for more news on these and other releases very soon!

Thanks a lot for all your support, happy new year, and see you in 2015!
